Comprehensive School Health and Whole Child Education at MPJH
A school’s core mission is to teach students academic knowledge, cognitive and physical skill development. However, it has become understood that schools cannot achieve this if their students are not healthy. (Story et al. 2009)
At Michael Phair we believe in a whole child educational approach. We teach the knowledge and skills needed to support emotional, mental, and physical health through a holistic approach. Whole-child education includes policies, practices, and relationships that ensure each child is healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged. Students are provided an education with a whole child focus a nd use a variety of pathways and supports to meet all needs. For example SEL (Social Emotional Learning), health literacy, and a cross curricular focus between all subject areas.
Research shows that the most effective way to have a positive impact on the whole child is through a Comprehensive School Health (CSH) approach. We focus on four components: Social & Physical Environment (school climate and culture), Teaching and Learning (differentiated instruction, comprehensive curriculum, critical thinking), Partnerships and Services (supports, community members and organizations), and lastly Healthy School Policy (ensure that schools practices support a whole child approach). Through this framework we as a team recognize:
- That healthy students are better learners
- Teaching the health curriculum is essential to a healthy school environment
- A variety of learning environments supports all students
- Student voice is essential to student learning
- The entire MP community (staff, students, families, and entire Lewis Estates community) supports the success of our MP students.